Sonntag, 1. März 2009

HelloOX v1.03 - neuer Handy HACK (NoSign) [Patch für ALLE FP1, FP2]

HelloOX v1.03 - Der einfachste Weg zu hacken.
[ALLE S60v3 - FP1, FP2 Handys]

Programm(e) (unsigned) signieren und der Reihenfolge nach installieren und dann helloox starten --> den Rest macht das Programm selber!
Danach könnt ihr wie gewohnt auf alle Ordner usw. zugreifen.

[Update] HelloOX v1.03:--> kein MapDrive mehr notwendig!
1.03 update:
- MapDrives no longer needed, mapping drives code is now built-in HelloOX, that's mean hacking is much more easier, one app does all the step!(credit must go to FCA00000)
- All mapped drives would remove automatic, no reboot needed for removing them
- Since ROMPatcher doesn't works on some FP2 device, installing it is now an optional for FP2 user, no patches would apply and add to autostart, must do them menual
- Some guys complain cannot play N-GAGE games, the main problem is open4all patch applied. So, all ROMPatcher patches would not add to autostart on all device, must do it menual if you want
- Install rootCerts option removed from Pre FP1 & FP1 device, because installserver is enough. if you wanna install it, please install it menual from E:\HelloOX\updaterD.sisx before uninstall HelloOX
- Install Modo(a TCB file manger by leftup) is now an optional for all device
*If you hacked your phone already, you don't have to use this update version to hack it again! An update just make this app better, it will not hack for more!*

Der einfachste Weg zu hacken!
Schnelles Hacken für S60v3 FP1, FP2 und 5800!!
--> Signiere und installiere HelloOX v1.03 unsigned.sis
Dateien müssen mit einem 17 Caps-Zertifikat signiert werden
(z.B. mit dem Formular hier)

--> Nach der Installation einfach starten

HelloOX macht nun den Rest für euch!

viel Spass!

Download: HelloOX v1.03 inkl. Anleitung


FAQ - Was bewirkt Hello OX?
What HelloOX did?
Pre FP1 & FP1:
1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install ROMPatcher
4. Apply open4all patch
5. Move installserver.exe to C:\sys\bin\
6. Install Modo (optional)
7. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
8. Done!

1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install rootCerts
4. Install ROMPatcher (optional)
5. Install Modo (optional)
6. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
7. Done!

1. Unpack exe files to E:\hack\sys\bin\
2. Map Drives
3. Install rootCerts
4. Install ROMPatcher
5. Apply open4all and ChangeSWIpolicyPath patches
6. Install Modo (optional)
7. Remove unneeded files and mapped drives
8. Done!

FP2 & 5800 doesn't have a working installserver yet! However, ROMPatcher working on some of them.
If RP works, the ChangeSWIpolicyPath patch can let you install some unsigned apps, otherwise please
sign your apps with leftup cert&key pair included in this package.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Das hört sich ja super an, aber es gibt mittlerweile HelloOX 1.04 der für diverese Modelle (z.B. Samsung i8510 innov8) funktionieren soll, da er wohl irgendwie einen verbesserten bzw. aktualiesierten FP2 installserver patch intus hat oder sowas hat.